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4 Ways to Prepare for a Property Appraisal

A property appraisal is essential if you are looking to sell, refinance, or simply discover your property’s current financial value. The process takes into account the condition of the home, any renovations or upgrades you’ve made, and the current real estate market. To get the most accurate property appraisal possible, here are four important steps to take before the appraiser comes. 

1. Catch Up on Your Home Maintenance

Home maintenance is a process of ensuring all systems and components of the home are in proper working order. Things like checking your roof shingles, ensuring that all exterior doors and windows open and close properly, cleaning out gutters and downspouts, repairing broken screens, and trimming back vegetation can help improve the overall condition of your home. If you have an air conditioning system, boiler, or other mechanical systems in your home, consider hiring a professional to inspect them and make repairs if needed.

2. Declutter the Interior of Your Home

Making sure the interior of your home is clutter-free will help the appraiser make a more accurate assessment of its value. Remove any furniture or belongings that make it difficult to move around and examine all rooms, closets, and hallways. If you have recently done any renovations or upgrades to your home, such as installing new appliances or re-tiling bathrooms, be sure to mention these when speaking with your appraiser, as they could increase the value of your property.

3. Research Your Local Market

One of the biggest factors in determining the value of a property is its location within a particular real estate market. Before an appraisal, it’s a good idea to do some research on the local market to get an idea of what properties in your area are selling for. You can use online resources, such as Zillow or, to compare prices and view recent home sales in your neighborhood.

4. Gather Any Documentation You Have

To help provide the appraiser with as much information as possible, be sure to gather any documentation you have related to renovations, maintenance, or repairs you have made to your home. This could include things like receipts for new appliances, building permits for construction work, warranties for mechanical systems, and contractors’ estimates for repair work.

Whether for business or legal reasons, an accurate property appraisal is essential. In most cases, someone else will take charge of this process; for instance, if you are going through a divorce, the court will appoint its own appraiser to value your home. However, it’s often a good idea to do your own appraisal just to be sure that what they table is the truth. At White Birth Real Estate, we provide a thorough assessment of your property’s current market value, helping you make the best decision in any situation that warrants it.

Drew Dallin

Published by
Drew Dallin

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